Dynamo Pricing - rebranding


Dynamo Pricing


I have already worked with Bence on Groove Trails' branding, but he asked me to sew up the image wrinkles for his other company, Dynamo Pricing. Unfortunately, the company only had a black-and-white logo. My task was to preserve the original logo, make the brand unique with colors and other image solutions, and raise its appearance professionally.


Concept and story:

Design and illustration:


Voice over:

Sound design :

No items found.

Details of the project

Brief interview and brand book

I started the work with a thorough interview assessing the company's values, goals, target audience, and market. This is always the basis of all my image work, and if I do it with due care and the client is also cooperative, I have a much simpler job when planning than when there is no framework for these, or perhaps the client is not interested in starting the work with such a consultation.


From the existing logo of Dynamo Pricing, I kept the layout and the icon because I liked them; they worked well. I changed the font. Here Dynamo got a slightly more angular sans serif font that fits the icon better. It needed to be quickly and freely accessible for the company, so Poppins was finally chosen. In addition, the logo did not work well on small surfaces due to the small pricing size, e.g., as a profile picture or on a mobile website UI, so I also changed the proportions of the logotype. After that, I chose colors, primary, secondary, and tertiary colors that can be used in presentations or on the web. Finally, I dreamed up branding elements and layouts accompanying the visual materials. This is how the pixelated, square, variable blue opacity branding element system, referring to the tail of the logo, was born. As well as the cascading decorations that are overlayed above the images, mainly intended for social media interfaces.

Other motion projects

Durex - case study animation
Why What You Eat Matters – explainer
Felelős Gasztrohős
IK - out-of-home explainer